Astra is the National Centre for Science Education

We work with teachers, institutions, policy-makers, and researchers to strengthen education in the natural sciences in Denmark.

Astra's vision

Formal science education contributes to the general education of children and young people. It also motivates them to pursue a degree and a career in science or technology.

Since science and technology play an important role in modern society, knowledge within these fields should be a natural part of the general education of any child, as it enables them to take an active and informed part in society.

Denmark also has a need for young people to pursue degrees and career paths in the fields of science and technology, so they can address current problems and create knowledge-based solutions to benefit all of society.

Astra's mision

Astra connects relevant actors in developing the framework for and quality of education in science and technology. Our work is always based on the latest knowledge, research, and experience.

Astra works with the formal education system, including teachers, educators, educational framework and knowledge, as well as a variety of stakeholders who share Astra’s vision. 

We work towards a coordinated societal effort in the field of natural science education. Further, we engage in an ongoing knowledge exchange with leading researchers in the field to ensure that our work is based on the latest knowledge.

We are committed to creating viable efforts, which is why we support capacity building for educational institutions as well as management level.


Target groups

We work with students, teachers, institutions, policy-makers, and researchers.

Our main focus is primary and secondary education, but also the transition from daycare to schooling, from primary school to secondary education, and from secondary education to higher education.

Educational materials, networking, events, conferences, science fairs and much more

This is what we have to offer

Young Scientists

Young Scientists (Unge Forskere) is the largest annual science competition and fair for students in Denmark.

Students of all ages and from all over the country work with a project that they are passionate about. All projects are critiqued by a professional jury and the best projects advance through regional competitions to s final national competition and fair.

Only in Danish

Science Talents

Science Talents organizes science camps, courses and conferences for students and teachers.

The goal is to boost interest for natural science for students who are especially motivated, engaged or gifted. Science Talents educates science teachers on how to discover and work with students who are gifted or have a special talent in working with natural science and technology.

Only in Danish

Mass Experiment

The Mass Experiment is the world’s largest ‘Student Science Project’.

Thousands of students use authentic research methods to gather data for researchers during the Mass Experiment. Every year we collaborate with research partners and gather massive data sets.

Past Mass Experiments have led to considerable research results which have been published in acknowledged journals and have influenced policy making.

Only in Danish

Science Week

A week of science for children and young people all over Denmark

Science Week is a national event that strives towards creating engaging science experiences for children of all ages. Science Week takes place every year in primary and secondary schools all over the country.

The week is meant to help students discover how science and technology are relevant to and influence their everyday lives. 

Only in Danish

Big Bang Conference

The largest conference and fair for science education in Denmark.

Astra is the driving force, facilitator, and coordinator for the conference. Big Bang gathers teachers, educators and researchers in the field of science education from primary school through secondary education to higher education. The participants are met by a variety of interesting talks, workshops and keynote speakers as well as a buzzing fair and lounge area.

Only in Danish

Production of educational material

Developing, collecting and communication on teaching and materials

Astra helps teachers navigate the many agendas within the field of education, from various trends to changing policies. We guide teachers on topics such as final exams in natural sciences, working with gifted and talented students, inquiry based learning and other didactic topics. Occasionally, we develop our own educational materials for specific projects.

Four national networks

We facilitate four national networks for ressource persons.

Local forces on the institutional and municipal level must be engaged in order to ensure successful anchoring of a strong culture in natural science education. We run four national networks for resource persons in primary schools, secondary schools, and municipal governments.  In these networks we work with capacity building and knowledge sharing in order to give the participants the tools they need to strengthen the culture of natural science in their local communities.

Knowledge sharing and project development

Sharing knowledge on research and project development.

Astra stays oriented about research in our field. We share and communicate reports and research relevant for students, policy-makers, and project makers in the field of science education. Additionally, we run a database containing several hundred ongoing and finished projects, which serve as inspiration for others. We evaluate projects and share the findings. 

Partners and funding

Astra is a self-governing institution associated with the Danish Ministry of Children and Education. 

Our funding is based on a mix of

We work with a large number of partners from the public and private sector. Collabration with others is a key element for us when developping new projects. 

𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝘂 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝗴𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗳𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀ø𝗴𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗲𝗿?

Astra er medarrangør af Big Bang-konferencen, der samler landets bedste formidlere, undervisere og forskere og giver dig to dages faglig forkælelse i naturvidenskabens tegn.

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Køb din billet til Danmarks største naturfagskonference!


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